Telegraph e-paper


Several moves which are in prospect to meet the situation reflect the growing fear of the administration officials and legislators of the breakdown of prohibition enforcement. To stop the liquor flood and ensure a vestige of respect for the dry laws President Harding contemplates an appeal to the conscience of the country, coupled with sensational disclosures of the extent to which the law is being flouted. It is expected that prohibition enforcement will be transferred from politicians, who regard prohibition appointments as spoils of office ,to the Department of Justice, and renewed efforts will be made to secure the cooperation of the municipal officials and police authorities for the enforcement of the law. If these measures fail, the Volstead Act must be revised to the extent of permitting the sale of wines and beers, a compromise which many teetotallers themselves are prepared to accept in a situation so grave. Meantime, the Governor-elect of New York State is planning a referendum, the result of which will largely determine the liquor question locally and provide guidance for other States. If the officials of New York State cannot secure the support of public sentiment in co-operating with the Federal authorities’ prohibition in this State it becomes virtually a dead letter.

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Daily Telegraph