Telegraph e-paper

Festive perfection with less time and energy

SIR – Following on from letters on energy-saving ways to cook pasta (November 20), do any readers know of ways to reduce the eight-hour steaming time for Delia Smith’s Christmas pudding?

I have used this recipe for years and all other puddings fall short. I would welcome suggestions for how to reduce both the energy costs and time spent in topping up the water levels, without compromising on the perfection that is the end result. Meryll Wilford

Leeds, West Yorkshire

SIR – The method mentioned for cooking pasta – bring water to the boil, lid on the pan, hey presto – is also perfect for new potatoes. Eileen Fawdry

Hampton Hill, Middlesex

SIR – In these straitened times, I can highly recommend the “simmer and stir” method for making Christmas cakes. I have just produced my tenth one for a charity stall, and I calculate that the greatly reduced baking time has saved me almost 20 oven hours – thus at least making the purchase of the dried fruit less painful. Mandy Caldwell

Bishop’s Sutton, Hampshire





Daily Telegraph